Where Does The Term Catherine Wheel Come From?

Many of us love fireworks. Whether you’re celebrating different occasions around the world like Bonfire night, New Years Eve or the 4th of July, fireworks provide entertainment for millions of people throughout the year. Despite fireworks bringing a lot of joy and color to festivals, there’s something not so joyousRead More →

Anchor St Kinius Cloera Ireland

Modern sightings of unidentified flying objects are common. Though many people nowadays believe in intelligent lifeforms out there in the universe, our ancestors have been recording visitations of unidentified objects in our skies for generations. One of the stories which I find interesting, is the story of the ship thatRead More →

On April 14th 1561, the economic and political stronghold of Nuremberg, was about to become the setting of one of the most famous cases of UFO activity in German history. The 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg was a mass sighting of unidentified flying objects, which has captivated the minds ofRead More →

assassination of robert pakington

Robert Pakington was born to John Pakington and Elizabeth Washborne around the year 1489 at a place called Stanforn in Teme, Worcestershire in England. In total, there were four siblings together with his three brothers John Pakington, Augustine Pakington and Humphrey Pakington. He was an apprentice from a young ageRead More →

During World War II, The Government of the United Kingdom became somewhat obsessed with ferreting out Nazi spies. Those who were apprehended were immediately faced with execution. These began very early on, and would span the entire conflict. Sir Winston Churchill became Prime Minister on May 10th 1940. While hisRead More →