Stunning Roman Blue Bowl Found in the Netherlands Dates back 2,000 Years

Archeologists excavating a site in the Dutch city of Nijmegen have uncovered a stunning blue glass bowl that is thought to date back 2,000 years. The find was made as archeologists were called in to clear an area of land which was to be used for a housing development.

The discovery was made late last year and has remarkably survived in pristine condition. Nijmegen is known to have been a hive of Roman activity, with a military garrison being established around the same time as the creation of the bowl. The garrison was subsequently expanded, turning Nijmegen into the first Roman city in the Netherlands. Archeologists think the bowl could have been carried to the city by artisans or traders.

The bowl may have been created in Italy or Germany and taken to the market town of Nijmegen as a valuable item for a wealthy right buyer.

Archeologist Pepjin van de Geer, who led the excavation, also said his team had found other items of interest, such as human bones, pitchers, cups, and jewelry.