Amarok the demon wolf

Stories of animals both real and fictional have been passed down to us for generations. Some of these stories seem too imaginative, and are obviously fictional, but some seem to bare some truth, and actually, may be based on true accounts. While some mythical creatures still have a place inRead More →

The Haunted History of Banffy Castle, Romania

Hidden away in the landscapes of Romania, Banffy castle is one of the country’s most iconic historic places. Banffy Castle is located in Bontida, Transylvania, and is the largest castle in the region. Though the castle isn’t the most attractive from the outside, as large parts of the structure areRead More →

aztec land of aztlan

The Aztecs have puzzled and intrigued researchers for centuries, and the origins of the Aztec people is still a mystery. Mythical lands throughout various cultures have come and gone – including for the Aztecs. They have stories of their own mythical land, lost in time just like Atlantis, Lyonesse andRead More →

Andrew Lang Folklorist

Andrew Lang was a folklorist, poet, novelist, editor, translator, compiler, biographer, essayist, and literary critic who contributed heavily to anthropology. He is well known as a collector of fairy and folk tales. Despite being a professional author who has contributed much to history, anthropology, and mythology; Andrew Lang is madeRead More →