Christian symbols are more than just some kind of badge which people display or wear to show that they are members of the in Crowd. Christian symbols and their meanings are not just superficial, they often operate at the subconscious level, which focuses and concentrates the faith of the worshiper.Read More →

Who are the fourteen holy helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers are a group of saints which were venerated throughout medieval Europe, and are still prominent among Christians worldwide today. Though throughout time their reverences have changed, they still inspire the faith of millions of Christians around the world, and their stories are still told. These SaintsRead More →

Where Does The Term Catherine Wheel Come From?

Many of us love fireworks. Whether you’re celebrating different occasions around the world like Bonfire night, New Years Eve or the 4th of July, fireworks provide entertainment for millions of people throughout the year. Despite fireworks bringing a lot of joy and color to festivals, there’s something not so joyousRead More →